3 Reasons to Get Fall Heat Pump Maintenance in Colorado Springs, CO

Your heat pump, which does the work of both an air conditioner and a heater, needs maintenance twice a year. Schedule it for fall in Colorado Springs, CO as soon as possible. Here are three potential problems you may encounter when you delay fall heat pump maintenance.

1. Reduced Efficiency

Your heat pump needs regular maintenance visits to maintain efficiency. The appliance is likely to take longer to heat your home if you delay maintenance. It almost always uses more energy than it should and may not achieve target temperatures.

Heat pumps that don’t get regular maintenance may be unable to provide accurate temperature readings. Some pumps may heat areas up to different levels or overheat the entire house as a result.

2. Damage to Components

Coil cleaning and filter changes are two of the major maintenance tasks for heat pumps of all kinds. The coils in particular get heavy use and may experience severe damage without the right professional maintenance. Damaged coils can easily cause damage to other pump components within a short time, too.

You can also manage your expenses better with fall maintenance services. The service allows you to save money replacing worn-out parts before those parts get worse. Make plans to replace any inefficient parts during your fall maintenance appointment to keep your heat pump optimized.

3. Higher Energy Bill

You can expect significantly higher energy use when you skip or postpone fall maintenance. Some people may use up to 25% more energy for a few months when they skip fall heat maintenance. Note that doing maintenance early in the fall makes the process easier and can help you avoid serious problems from frost and snow.

Stay warm this season while saving money and keeping humidity levels in your home low. Contact I.C.E. Heating & Cooling online to schedule heat pump services.

Image provided by iStock

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