4 Practical Ways to Supplement Your Heating System in Fountain, CO

Heating makes up a huge chunk of homeowner energy bills in Fountain, CO. Therefore, finding ways to reduce your heating system’s activity benefits in reducing heating costs. We will explore some tips for keeping warm without relying solely on your home’s heating system.

1. Cover Any Cracks in Your Window Frames

Any openings in your window frames facilitate the loss of hot air from your living space and allow cold air to enter. These openings also allow contaminants from outside to enter, interfering with indoor air quality. The cracks cause your heating system to work harder to reach your preferred temperature levels.

To see these cracks, you can have someone stand on one side of the window with a flashlight while you go to the other side and see all the cracks. The US Department of Energy recommends using weatherstripping to seal unwanted openings on moving parts such as doors and windows. Calling a professional to assess trouble spots in your windows is also a smart option.

2. Use Your Ceiling Fan

While most people assume you can only use your ceiling fan during the warmer months, the fan also comes in handy during the colder months. Usually, hot air is lighter than cold air. Therefore, most of the warm air in your living space is near the ceiling.

Consider setting your ceiling fan motor to work in a clockwise direction. This way, the fan pushes the warm air down, keeping you warm and comfortable. Also, running the fan helps to spread the heated air from your HVAC system evenly.

3. Keep Yourself Warm

Investing in warm clothing or blankets is a simple, inexpensive way to keep warm. You may not be able to sleep comfortably if you’re too cold.

Quality blankets trap heat your body produces, helping to keep you warm. The same applies when you wear warm clothing. Also, consider drinking warm beverages from time to time.

4. Use Rugs on Your Floor

Your floor may allow heat to escape. Consider investing in rugs that offer plenty of insulation, such as those that contain wool. Rugs are also cozy, adding more comfort to your home.

Contact I.C.E. Heating & Cooling for quality heating services this winter. We will tailor solutions that ensure you and your family are always warm.

Image provided by iStock

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