Why Does My Thermostat Have a Blank Screen in Peyton, CO?

It will probably worry you to see your thermostat’s screen go completely blank in Peyton, CO. Something is wrong with your thermostat (or perhaps also things beyond it), but you may not be able to tell what that is. Here is some information for homeowners about why they may have a blank thermostat screen.

The Batteries Are Dead

The most natural and obvious explanation is that the thermostat’s batteries have died. To get back your visible display and all of its important information about home temperature, settings and system diagnostics, you will need to put in some new batteries.

The Thermostat Itself Is Dead

Another possibility that is much more serious is that your thermostat has reached the end of its lifespan. On average, a programmable thermostat can function reliably for about 10 years. After this, the likelihood of malfunctions will increase, and their frequency will mount, making it incumbent on you to get a new device.

In addition to this, there might also be some fixable issues that don’t necessarily indicate that your thermostat is dead. It might have frayed, loose or broken wires. An HVAC technician can examine your thermostat and, if possible, fix these things during maintenanceor repairs.

Some Safety Switch Has Gone Off

HVAC systems have special safety switches that immediately cut power to your system when something happens that can pose a significant danger to you, like a gas leak. If your thermostat draws power from the same source as your HVAC system, the screen will turn blank whenever this happens.

A thermostat without power can certainly be annoying, but in most cases, this problem is nothing that a skilled professional can’t handle. Call I.C.E. Heating & Cooling and ask for our HVAC services near Peyton, CO.

Image provided by iStock

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