5 Signs That You May Need a New Thermostat in Your Peyton, CO Home

A malfunctioning thermostat will give off some telltale signs that it isn’t working. However, it’s easy to assume that the problem is with your heating and cooling system. Here are some signs of a failing thermostat that needs replacement in your Peyton, CO, home.

HVAC System Repeatedly Turns On and Off

The thermostat communicates directly with your heating and cooling system. If you notice that the AC, furnace, or boiler doesn’t regulate your home’s temperatures as needed, then the thermostat might be the problem. Damaged or frayed wiring might compromise the connection to your HVAC unit, making it turn on or off unexpectedly.

Air Conditioner Runs Continuously

If your AC continues to run despite reaching the desired temperature setting or even after turning it on or off, then the thermostat might have a problem. Issues in thermostat wiring or miscommunication between the thermostat and HVAC system might lead to this problem. You should schedule maintenance services, during which the technician will try recalibrating the thermostat, and if this doesn’t work, you should consider replacing it.

Thermostat Gives Incorrect Readings

A thermostat that is registering incorrect temperatures needs replacement. A sensor that is old, misused or with a manufacturing defect is the major cause of this problem. You can test your readings using a portable indoor thermometer to ensure that it’s registering the correct temperatures.

Thermostat Fails to Respond to Changed Settings

The thermostat should respond immediately to any temperature adjustments you make. Before the HVAC system picks up these temperatures, you should hear a faint clicking sound. However, if the HVAC doesn’t turn on after temperature changes, it might have a problem, and you should consider purchasing a new one.

HVAC System Short Cycles

Short cycling causes the HVAC system to shut off too early, failing to complete the desired heating or cooling cycles. When this happens, it causes inefficient heating and cooling of your home, resulting in uncomfortable indoor temperatures. If you reside in Peyton, CO, contact us at I.C.E. Heating & Cooling to schedule HVAC installation, maintenance, and repair services.

Image provided by iStock

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