Is It Time To Replace My AC in Ellicott, CO?

The air conditioner you use in your home in Ellicott, CO won’t last forever, but you can anticipate when to replace it by looking out for certain indicators. Let’s take a look at several factors that could point to the need for an AC replacement

Consider the Age of Your Equipment

Air conditioners have an average lifespan, which will fluctuate based on things like brand and the technology they use. This lifespan will also vary based on how well owners take care of their system.

Traditional ducted ACs run for approximately 15 years when owners ensure they have professional maintenance regularly and don’t run them excessively. The ductless type can last around 30 years under the same conditions. Thus, if your system is nearing the end of its lifespan, be aware you may need a replacement system soon.

Take Repairs Into Account

A well-maintained AC may need one or two minor repairs a year, but an AC on its way out will require more. You may, for example, find yourself with a unit that needs a new motor or condenser coil. These repairs aren’t cheap, and they may not be worth it in the long run if your unit has exceeded 10 years of age.

How High Is Your Monthly Power Bill?

You may be in a situation where your monthly bill has been rising even though you’re not running the system more than usual. If this persists after repairs, then your system has potentially become inefficient to a point where only replacement will solve the problem.

We carry a wide range of high-quality products and back each one with quality installation services. We provide the warm, personalized care of a family-run business and guarantee 100% customer satisfaction with our work. I.C.E. Heating & Cooling has a team of expert AC installation technicians who can work anywhere in Ellicott, CO, so call today for a consultation.

Image provided by iStock

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